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St Luke’s is a community of followers of Jesus of all ages based on the eastern edge of Leicester. We believe that life is only real life when it’s lived with God, and that the way to know God is through Jesus. Whoever you are, wherever you're from, and whatever life looks like for you we'd love to welcome you to St Luke's. 

Welcome to St Luke's

What's On

Find out about the events and activities happening at St Luke's below,
or click here to download our term card.


Annual Church Meeting

On Sunday 11th May we will having our annual church meeting (APCM) at 10.45am. It will be part of a joint service with a simple soup and bread lunch after at Cafe Fifty Five.

Click below to find details of the meeting and lunch, to sign up to the Electoral Roll, to update your contact details, and to see the PCC roles we are looking for people to step forward for.


Holiday Club

Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th April
9.30am - 12 noon each day​

Thurnby Memorial Hall

Enjoy three mornings of games, activities, crafts, dramas, songs, refreshments and amazing stories from the Bible!

For all primary age children.

Cost £20 per child. 

We don't want cost to prevent any child from coming to Holiday Club. If this is an issue please speak in confidence to Lizzie on 07727164979 or email

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Discover Jesus

Starts Wednesday 5th March

(for 6 weeks)


Café Fifty Five

Discover a life that changed the world forever.


Everyone is welcome to join us for 6 Wednesday afternoons as we read through Luke's account of Jesus' life.

You don't need to know anything about the Bible, you won't be asked to pray out loud. You can come with lots of questions or just listen in.

If you'd like to come along contact Tom on or 07817435483.

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Easter at St Luke's Church

Thursday 17th - Sunday 20th April


We would love for you to join us for any of our services and events this Easter.

Click the link below to head to our Easter page, and keep an eye on our social media pages for everything you need to know:



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Monday 7th April


Café Fifty Five

This term at Refresh we are looking through the 'I am' statements Jesus made recorded in John's gospel.

If you're a mum or carer of children/young people then join us on Monday 10th February, 7.45-9.30pm at Café Fifty Five to look at His statement in John 15: "I am the Vine".

Bring a bible, notebook and pen, and enjoy an evening of getting into God's word with your sisters in Christ.

If you'd like more information, drop Emily and email.


Song & Organ Concert

Saturday 26th April


St Luke's Church


Come along and enjoy a concert of songs and organ solos by Michael Lessiter (bass/baritone)

​and Ron Berry (organ and piano).

Michael has had a long singing career in opera

and oratorio, most notably as a member of the

Royal Opera chorus at Covent Garden.

He will be singing a range of music,

and Ron will be accompanying and

also playing some solos on the organ.

The concert is free to attend, but there will be a retiring collection to raise money for St Luke's Church.

Click below if you would like to view the advert in full.


Cafe Fifty Five

A place of welcome and community,

and of help and hope for all.


Subscribe to receive our regular email updates


Safeguarding at St.Luke's

We are committed to making St Luke's a safe place for all and especially to safeguard children, young people, victims of domestic abuse, and vulnerable adults. If you have any concerns about a safeguarding issue please speak to any of the following:

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