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(Annual Parochial Church Meeting)

Our APCM this year is on Sunday 11th May at 10.45am at St Luke's Church, Thurnby. It will be part of a joint service (no 8.45am service) where we will hear encouragements from the previous year, receive and respond to various reports, worship and pray together, and elect people to various roles.


There will be a simple soup and bread lunch at Cafe Fifty Five after.


​​​​​In order to vote at our APCM or stand for any of the roles involved you will need to sign up to be on the Electoral Roll. Even if you have been on the Electoral Roll before, this is a year where everyone has to sign up.


We're also asking everyone to fill in a Contact Form so that we have your most up to date details.


Below is an outline of some of the different roles and where the opportunities to serve are. Do take a look at these roles, pray for people with a love for Jesus and a heart for our church to be stepping forward, and prayerfully consider whether any of these roles might be for you now, or in the future.​

Electoral Roll

If the form above isn't working please click the button below to be taken directly to the Electoral Roll sign up.

contact form

If the form above isn't working please click the button below to be taken directly to the Contact Form. 



We are looking for three people to join the PCC. The PCC shares leadership with the Vicar to enable the mission and ministry of our churches (St Luke’s, St Mary’s, Stoughton, and Living Hope, our church plant in Thurmaston). The PCC oversees the life of the churches, stewards our building and finances, enables us to meet our responsibilities (as charity trustees, safeguarding, employment), and contributes to the wider life of the Church of England. The PCC also appoints directors for Café Fifty Five. In between PCC meetings the Finance and Standing Committee (Clergy, Wardens, Treasurer, PCC Secretary) meet to manage the day-to-day governance and decision making in the church. To be on the PCC you need to be: -a baptised follower of Jesus Christ and an active part of church life, -16+ years old, -have been on the Electoral Roll for at least six months (if this would prevent you, the PCC is able to co-opt those who might be otherwise suitable), -supportive of the mission and ministry of the church and it’s doctrine and practices.

PCC Secretary

We would really like to find someone to stand as PCC Secretary as we have not had one for more than a year. The PCC Secretary is a role that organises and enables the smooth running of PCC meetings (and the APCM). The role can include preparing and distributing agendas and paperwork for meetings, taking notes in meetings, and ensuring there is good communication within the PCC and with other organisations such as the Diocese of Leicester and the Charity Commission. The Secretary is appointed by the PCC each year and doesn’t require you to be an elected member of the PCC.


Our current Treasurer has served for the last two years and is willing to continue but has given an invitation to anyone who’d like to support the role or take it on to come forward. The Treasurer of the PCC oversees church finances, making sure things are understood clearly, done properly, and budgets and plans for the future are in place. This role is supported by our Operations Director and Bookkeeper who look after the day-to-day finances whilst the Treasurer is able to prepare reports for the PCC and put together annual budgets that support our mission and ministry and reflect our priorities and responsibilities.

Church Warden

We are actively looking for someone who could take on this role next year with our current Church Wardens willing to continue for another year. Church Wardens are responsible for supporting the Vicar and overseeing the practical and spiritual life of the church (it is an official role with certain legal responsibilities). This includes meeting regularly with the Vicar, the smooth running of Sunday, the upkeep of buildings, communication between the clergy and congregation, and looking after the life of the church when the vicar moves on. To be a Church Warden you need to be: -a baptised follower of Jesus Christ and an active part of church life -over 21 years old -signed up to the Electoral Roll (no minimum length of time) -servant hearted and willing to carry out the legal responsibilities. Church wardens are elected each year and can serve up to six years.

Warden's Team

We currently need help on the warden’s team at our 10.45am service. Our Church Wardens are helped by a Warden’s team who look after Sunday service practicalities (e.g. locking up, setting up for communion, tidying church etc…).

Deanery Synod

We currently have one single year term to fill for a Deanery Synod Representative. St Luke’s and St Mary’s belong to the Gartree Deanery (the collection of other nearby parishes). A deanery acts as a link between local churches and the wider Church of England Structures by electing people to Diocesan Synod and General Synod (the CofE’s national governing body). Deanery Synod Representatives are elected for three years (and have the same requirements of PCC members) and our current Deanery Synod Representatives were elected in 2023 but one is stepping down a year early this year.

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