“Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
The opportunity to give financially is one of the great privileges that comes with being a follower of Jesus. We worship a God who willingly gave everything he had and when we give joyfully we are imitating him.
At St Luke’s we are so grateful for the generosity of many people who make the ministry and mission of St Luke’s and our mission partners possible. We have many ways to give at St Luke's and information about each way can be found below.
In May and June 2024 we are asking everyone who counts themselves a part of St Luke’s Church to take some time to pray and think through what your financial giving to St Luke’s will look like for the next year, and then to act on the decision you reach.
To help you in your decision making you can download the latest giving information below or watch the videos looking at various questions we might have when it comes to giving.
You can complete a giving response form online or complete and return a paper copy to the church office.
Bank Transfer
St Luke’s PCC Thurnby
Account Number: 00022948
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Regular Giving
Online Giving
One way of giving is via this
You can give at any of our Sunday services where there is an opportunity to give cash or by card.
Easy Fundraising
Register here
Shop at 3300+ online stores by visiting www.easyfundraising.org.uk
and earn donations for St Luke’s.
Payable to: St Luke’s Church PCC
Post to: St Luke’s Church,
Main Street, Thurnby,
Leicester, LE7 9PN
Leave a Legacy
Making a will is a way of ensuring that those God has put in your care are cared for after you are gone. It is also an opportunity to leave a gift that can make a lasting different to the mission and ministry of St Luke’s Church.
It is strongly recommended that you seek professionally legal advice when making or amending your will.
The Church of England have partnered with Farewill to offer a free online will writing service from the comfort of your home, taking less than 30 minutes. Click here to get started.
You can also ask friends and family for recommendations of a local solicitor to use or by searching on www.lawsociety.org.uk.

Discretionary Fund