We want to recommend two different devotional books that you might like to use this Lent to prepare you for Easter. If you'd like a copy you can order one here or fill in the order form at the back of church this Sunday.
Order by the end of Sunday 28th February.

Finding Mercy on the
Way of Sorrow:
40 daily reflections from the book
of Lamentations by Robin Ham
The book of Lamentations is not a well-trodden part of the Bible. Yet, dwelling in its bleak shadows, we find surprising treasure. For broken people in a broken world, Lamentations’ aching sorrow is strangely refreshing. This Lent, come and walk through ruins of unflinching grief and there rediscover the unfailing grace of God in Jesus Christ.

The Wonder of Easter:
An Easter journey for the
whole family by Ed Drew
Celebrate the limitless wonder of Easter with this flexible, easy-to-use family devotional. Walk together through Luke’s Gospel to discover why the account of Jesus’ death and resurrection is the most amazing story ever told. The discussion-based resource includes differentiated questions for 3-4s, 5-7s,
7-12s, teens and adults. At just ten minutes each, these devotionals are an achievable joy, not an unrealistic burden.