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St Luke's Church

Serving at St Luke's

Did you know that making coffee can help you love your church? I love the story that a man called Stephen shares about his experience of being landed on the coffee team at his church. 

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

All of us have gifts for the good of our life together as we make mature disciples of Jesus in ever growing numbers for God’s glory. The gifts we have will vary between us, but all are needed. How we are able to use our gifts will vary, but we are to use what we have got the best we can. I praise God for the way so many people over so many years have used their gifts to make our life together what it is.I want to offer two approaches to (re)considering how best to use your gifts in order to be serving in the life of St Luke’s. 

1)    Using your gifts where the need is greatest.

2)    Using your gifts where your heart is excited.

You are not signing up to join that team or a rota. This is an invitation for a conversation with you about how your gifts are best used.

We're asking you to indicate the areas of church life that most excite your heart. These are the likely places where you will best use your gifts. We’d also like you to consider that, whilst there is need in all areas of church life. the area of greatest need right now is our growing work with children and young people.

Click the button below to read about TEN areas of church life that cover most of what goes on in the life of St Luke’s. Under each area is a brief summary of what it is all about and some examples of ways people use their gifts in this area.

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